Tuesday, December 28, 2010
An Alarming Reflection
Then there are the Magi who sought after the Star; the bright light that shown in the darkness that was the sign where Emmanuel, the true King was. The one, who redeemed, released and freed, who brought Salvation to all of humanity. I am thankful, I want to journey with them this week, I want to turn from my darkness, to the marvelous light, fall down on my knees, repent and……..worship Him
Thursday, December 23, 2010
All of Creation
Breaks forth this night
Stars burst forth their radiance
Moon illuminates the sky
For on this night
In the City of David
Is born
A Savior
Christ the Lord
Celestial Choirs sing in jubilation
All heaven and earth are moved
For Divine becomes Incarnate
All, All
Kneel and fall prostrate
In reverence
In awe
Redeemer, Savior
Healer and Counselor
Who ushers us
Out of the darkness and secrets of our hearts
That is as chains that bind
And weights that hold
Frees us from shame
And splits open
The pathways of our hearts
So no longer
Are we afraid
No longer do we carry
The lies
That has
Paralyzed us
Mercy, grace and forgiveness
Truth, light and liberty
Are ours
For unto us this day
In the fortress of our hearts
Is born
A Savior
Christ the Lord
May we with immense jubilation
Be Glad
The Word
Has become
Will Simpson, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dark, Cold, Desolate
On a journey
Through a desert
What were they thinking?
What were they feeling?
On the road
Knocking on this door
That door
No room,
No place
A glimmer
A place to rest
To give birth
Not where they expected
Perhaps not even what they wanted
But still
They were ready
They were pregnant
Due to deliver
To give birth
Is it not the same for us?
Often a solitary journey
One with pain, with sorrow
Rejection as we knock on the doors
To be let in
To have a place of comfort
Perhaps with one another
And sometimes
It comes
we least expect it
Or in a place we would not choose by ourselves
But we have been searching on this journey
This road of life
Sometimes seemingly without hope
In a wasteland
We search for that place
To give birth
For we are pregnant
Expecting with desire
For the Truth
The Answer
Hope never-ending
To live
Are we willing to go
To that place?
To that place we often fear
That place of being alone
Not with a crowd
Not in comfort
But by and with ourselves
And here in this quiet place
Allow the angels themselves
Come to us and say
“Glory to God in the Highest
and peace to all people on earth”
and then
Out of the center of our being
New Born King!
Will Simpson, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
How can this be she exclaimed
I a virgin
“You shall conceive not by a man but by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the Most High God”
His name shall be Emmanuel, God with us
Counselor, Prince of Peace
The Salvation of all of humanity
Perplexed, puzzled, pondering
And then
A deep inner sigh
Profound humility
Let it be done unto me according to your Spirit
And so it happened
Days, weeks, months
Churnings, kicking,
Expecting, waiting, hope
Getting to know
Deeply within who dwells
A transformation from within
And from without
Soon a birth
A new life
What do you say?
What do I say?
I am asked the same?
Asked to recognize
The Divine within
The Christ
Is it also not puzzling?
Is it not something to ponder?
Are we too not like that young girl
Who conceived by the Spirit?
And to bear within us
His son
The Savior of the World
The Prince of Peace
That we too
May know
And in so doing
As Christ became Human
We experience
The Divine
We too are puzzled, perplexed
And for us also
Profound humility
Must take place for us
To respond
As that young girl
Yes, let it be done unto me according to your spirit
Let it be so
We wait for you
We expect you
In this Advent Season
Come Lord Jesus
Blossom within
Our hearts
Will Simpson, December
How can this be she exclaimed
I an a virgin
“You shall conceive not by a man but by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the Most High God”
His name shall be Emmanuel, God with us
Counselor, Prince of Peace
The Salvation of all of humanity
Perplexed, puzzled, pondering
And then
A deep inner sigh
Profound humility
Let it be done unto me according to your Spirit
And so it happened
Days, weeks, months
Churnings, kicking’s,
Expecting, waiting, hope
Getting to know
Deeply within who dwells
A transformation from within
And from without
Soon a birth
A new life
What do you say?
What do I say?
I am asked the same?
Asked to recognize
The Divine within
The Christ
Is it too not also puzzling?
Is it not something to ponder?
And are we too not like that young girl
Who conceived by the Spirit?
And to bear within us
His son
The Savior of the World
The Prince of Peace
That we too
May know Salvation
Freedom, liberty
And in so doing
As Christ became Human
We experience
The Divine
We too are puzzled, perplexed
And for us also
Profound humility
Must take place for us
To respond
As that young girl
Yes, let it be done unto me according to your spirit
Let it be so
We wait for you
We expect you
In this Advent Season
Come Lord Jesus
Come to birth within
Our hearts
Will Simpson, December 18, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Make Ready
Make ready for use
For an immense event
Where my heart has become distant
Let it be drawn
Where it has placed barriers
May they be cleared
And where I have placed
High obstacles
May they be lowered,
Straight, smooth
I may enter into
That rest that I long for
To bring Your healing
Your light
Where I
All of humanity
May know
Your deliverance
Your salvation
From my
Own self
My own fears
My own insecurities
And in it know
Without doubt
Your glorious light
That directs
To Your
Within me
Will Simpson, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
May I let go of all that hinders
And blocks me from You
You desire to come in
And liberate me with your love
And I have put up so many barriers
Slowly by grace
I hear your invitation
The voice of your spirit
Saying Prepare, Prepare a way
And I so desire this
But yet
I am afraid
What is it you will ask of me?
What is it I must let go of?
One stone, one unforgiveness
One turning away
One jealous thought
One at a time
But then you glance at me
And I am struck by your luminous love
That pierces between my very soul and spirit
And I
Prepare my true self
Open wide my heart
To receive
The New Born King
Come O’Majestic One
Come into this open heart
That I have prepared
For You
Will Simpson, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
"At Your Advent"
At Your Advent
My transformation
A change of heart
From darkness to light
Bitterness to forgiveness
Enslavement to freedom
There is a deep stirring
An awakening
That calls me forth
That beckons me from death to life
I am in awe
In trembling
The very essence of You
Touches me
Emerges from the depths
Of my being
Where you dwell
Come o’ mysterious One
O’ glorious One
Come whom I have been expecting
But yet
You come
And I am surprised
For You come now
At this
Present moment
Will Simpson
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
In Darkness, You Come
In the darkness of the morning
Is stillness
Night stars
Waiting for the dawn
The moon
Calling forth the brilliance of the sun
Come O radiant One
Come and awake the dawn
The dew of the grass
The frost of the night
At your warmth
All of creation
Gently comes alive
Singing forth
The praises of the new day
So it is
We wait for You
We anticipate
With hope and longing
Your arrival
We beckon you
In response
You declare
“Arise, shine for your light has come”
and You
Your glory
Shines upon us!”
Will Simpson, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I Wait for You
I wait for You
As a ship is sailing in a misty sea of fog
I wait for You
I seek Your beacon of light
that will guide me
out of darkness into light
all the while
I wait
for You
as a watch-person in the night
who with diligence seeks
and scans the horizon
I wait for You
Come, O Come Emmanuel
and ransom my heart
and all who seek You
Monday, November 29, 2010
So it is I prepare, we prepare our hearts during the season of Advent for the coming of God Incarnate who gently knocks on the door of our hearts and asks "May I come in? May I come and enter that place, that room within and as you have prepared your house, may I by my gracious Spirit prepare your spirit for the birth of Emmanuel, God with us within your heart? May I place within you, in your journey a longing for a return in fullness the Son of the most High God whom the angels proclaimed "Glory to God in the Highest and peace to all people on earth. May we with great anticipation and hope run to that door and open it and proclaim "Let me open up the gates of my heart that You, the King of Glory may enter in!
I.....we have been waiting for You!
May we pause a moment......let it be so......Come Lord Jesus, come and renew our hearts.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What are we waiting for?
Advent is the perfect time, a time to wait. A time not to be stressed, although our culture insists on it with hurried shopping, advertising, parties and the like, filling up our schedules with events and "things to do." We get caught up in it, swept away as in a raging river that is out of control and yet we "try" to be......in control.
Consider this season, the season of Advent, the 4 weeks before Christmas to give yourself permission to take a breath, relax and wait. Wait not with an agenda, things to do or places to be but rather.... be still, wait. Instead wait with all of creation and within your heart for the Incarnation of the Divine, God made into a person, Jesus Christ. Isn't that what Christmas is about? The Divine made into the person Jesus Christ, God Incarnate? Allow in that waiting a stirring to take place, a stirring that renews, refreshes and brings great hope to you, to all of creation that says "Rise, shine for your light has come!" A light that shines in the darkness of our hearts where we are discouraged, have lost hope and are afraid. An illumination that kindles within us a desire for newness, a saving from where we feel helpless, paralyzed and unable to change and instead speaks grace, forgiveness and freedom.
Wait with me won't you and let's leave behind the hurried pace our culture especially demands of us at this time of year and pause...... take a breath and breathe in the newness of life that is within us and we wait for especially now with great expectation, anticipation and hope.
Maranatha.......Come........We wait for you.........the Incarnate Word........made flesh.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This weekend I travel to Boston to have a "reunion" with Rich, his wife Carolina and their daughter Gabriella. Rich, as you may remember is my dear friend who gave me one of his kidneys so that I might live. I look forward to this meeting and all the joy it brings to my heart. He is truly a brother to me in so many ways.
Thanksgiving is coming and I was on the telephone with my close friend Steve of Steve and Leslie whom I have spent the past two decades at Thanksgiving with except for last year for obvious reasons and we were discussing our "reunion" for Thanksgiving this year. The memories, what we are going to do, who will be there and being thankful for our years as friends and they too are like family to me. I know all of their immediate family members and had a pleasant "reunion" with one of his brother's and his wife while they were visiting San Francisco for the day. Although time may pass, our hearts remain close.
I have also heard of the passing of some friends in the past few months and the passing of relatives of friends; brothers, daughters, parents and how this was such a hard time for them. Also how they were remembering those who have passed on before them; reflecting, remembering, contemplating if you will who they were, who they are and for a moment they too had a "reunion" with those they love(d).
I will be facilitating a "Day of Remembrance" on October 30th and it is also entitled "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses Goes Before Us." As I prepare for this I am moved by the memories I have of those who have gone before me and that they too are alive but alive through that thin veil. I will be sharing more about this in a future blog and what that means to me, how real and how we so often only see the temporal but how in reality there is so much more, more than meets our eye but is seen within. I will invite those participating to write a letter to that person, what they would like to say, to catch up with them, anything they may have left unsaid. At lunch we will eat in silence partaking of the various foods that each person brings that the one they remembered used to like and imagining all of us with them or they with us at that "banqueting table." In the afternoon all will be given the opportunity to listen, to listen perhaps to the heart, to the stirrings and think "What might they reply to me?" and then write it. We will also do a litany for them remembering the little but yet not insignifficant things that brought we and them joy.....together. We will then place their names in a bowl with some incense and for a moment remember their sweet fragrance. Join with me if you can and if you physically can not then perhaps take a day and remember.....them.....and think about the "reunion" that we will someday have. Behind that thin veil, in that great cloud of witnesses.
All Souls and All Saints Day
October 31, November 1
Blessings to each of you,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Who is Knocking at Your Door?
Who is Knocking at Your Door?
Recently a friend of mine who had been discerning some things came to me after some reflection and said “ Darkness is trying to creep back into my life.” This struck me because he has been living in a way that has been one of renewal and freedom but yet “Darkness was trying to creep back into my life.” I could not help but to begin to ask the same question as my life has taken on a renewal and has had a sense of great freedom and joy even in some of the challenges that have come. Where has the “old self” the “unredeemed self” wanted to return? Who is knocking at my door or better yet my heart? I have begun to see life anew over this past year, especially the past few months. What a difference this has made in every area of my life, from my physical being and every day activity to my desires and thoughts. I have had a fresh outlook of what does it mean “to leave the old and take on the new and with it a deep inner peace and yet…..the old self some times wants to be acknowledged, wants to be recognized and wants to return! It feels lonely, forgotten and perhaps dead and so it tries to live again. If I say yes to it, although it might at first be subtle and seemingly fulfills my desires, the desires of the old it in fact upon arrival begins to suffocate the new with it sole intent to put out the flame of life, the life of the spirit that dwells within me and makes up my entire being; body, soul and spirit. By grace I choose to live but what happens when I allow “the darkness to creep back into my life?” I am tempted, I sometimes walk to the door and think about opening it, I even might peek a bit but then it strikes me…this is fleeting, this desires to take my very life and by the grace of our Divine Creator I stop! I remember, even but for a moment that returning and letting the darkness enter I begin to experience life itself draining from me but by the grace of our Divine Creator I stop, I remember…..this is fleeting, in the end this will take the very life, the very intimacy and gift our Divine Creator has bestowed upon me into darkness and just as a candle becomes dim and is snuffed out so it is with my new life. This is when I pray deeply within and sometimes out loud the oldest of Christian prayers “Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner” and it is then that I know not only the rescuing hand of our Creator but unconditional love and mercy that “gives me the doorway out” the doorway that does not have darkness waiting to creep in but the doorway that bursts open with luminous light that bathes my very soul. Is it easy? Is it simple? The tension is some times intense and palpable but when I cry aloud that ancient prayer and know that I can not possibly do any of this myself with my “good intentions” my desire to enter into darkness comes cascading down and my desire to live in the light, newness and truth revivivifys my entire being, for this I am grateful beyond words.
Where does this take place in your life? When does darkness want to reenter and is knocking on your door? I invite you to reflect on this and where you see it and when you begin to sense it sometimes subtly and sometimes openly inviting itself in stop, cry out to our Creator and see that you are called to life, to walk “in our Creators marvelous light” and then be ever grateful that each moment, each day you are made new, formed more into the Creator’s likeness and image. What a wonderful thing to see, to see our Creators eyes in one another, in our humanity, in our divinity and in so doing experiencing the fullness of life in one another.
May I not ever forget to mention this is only done for me and for you by grace but also by the prayers we say for one another, for our gratitude for one another and by the hand that so generously gives to us unconditional love, acceptance and mercy.
Who is knocking at my door, your door, and the doors of our hearts? Beyond and through all things it is our Creator who stands at the door and knocks and has prepared a banqueting table for all of us to freely partake in, the festive table of intimacy with our Maker and through this, one another.
Blessings and peace to each of you,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
As I have pondered this in my daily walking meditations I have already asked "Please Lord may I not become complacent, may I not forget where you have brought me from and may I not live as I have lived in the past. Living in a way that took life for granted, people, friends, family, my environment, the moment. May I instead live in a way that is intentional, purposeful but yet not holding onto but letting go of. My prayers have daily been:
May I O' Lord receive this new day,
live this new day,
be present this new day.
May it not be full of agendas
Full of expectations of others
of myself
so that they might be liberated
and I might be liberated.
May I not hold onto and grasp
but let go of and set free.
May I take each day, each moment
one at a time
and in so doing
allow it to unfold
as you will
may I
Each day has brought opportunity and as the Irish author John O'Donahue has said "Blessed is the Space between us." So I try to be mindful as I interact with people throughout the day. Where is that blessed space in our conversation, in the silence, in the listening, in our activities? Where am I attentive, mindful? Where do I allow the Divine to reveal their presence, their essence, am I aware?
There is a deep sense of a deeper, new space in my life. A place that says yes, go to that place of mystery, that place where the deep mines of your being dwells, that place that carves out of darkness a light that is beyond anything I can ever imagine or understand. A space that when open gushes out the floods of life, the words of life, the Presence perhaps that does all of these things without words but simply.....is.
I know that every day I am given opportunities to walk not as before but now, today. Where fears once held me back to shed them, step forward; no longer be paralyzed but walk, run to that new place with open hands and heart. Each day I am given these opportunities, these gifts and so are you.
What a marvelous Creator we have, one who creates all things new, brings us closer to that mystery, the eternal that we live in every day but so often are unaware. May we be.....aware, may we know that our time here, now is a moment, a twinkling of an eye and may I, we make the most of it living in fullness, living in the present moment ever thankful knowing that this is our time, our time to present our gifts and lives one to another both in their brokenness, in their healing and in their fullness.
I will share more about this and how it has practically effected my life in these coming days. I am thankful for each of you and your prayers and I pray for you. Without those prayers I would not be where I am now and I would not be able to go where I am going. Let us continue to journey together.
My love and heart are with you. I leave you with this prayer, one that I write even now as I send this to you.
Deep within me is a stillness
A stillness that knows
A stillness that smiles
when I think of where you have brought me from
and where I am.....now
Gone each day are the chains that have bound
and imprisoned me
and in its place
the joys of liberty
Liberty to be me
whom you have formed
whom you have fashioned
after yourself
the True self
the authentic, genuine self
as though through a glass
that is transparent
brings light
not only to myself
perhaps to those
who long for the same.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Shepherd Me O'God
Beyond my wants
Beyond my fears
From Death
Into Life
So it has been for me these past 6 1/2 months. I have gone from being in critical condition this past November to, as my nephrologist said to me yesterday "You look great in person and on paper!" It was the first time he has seen me since my surgery. He is the physician who guided me through this with skill and compassion up to my surgery and then the transplant team began its portion.
My lab values are all great with my creatinine at 1.1, I was ecstatic! I have not felt this good in almost a decade. As I stated in my last blog I am walking at least 3 miles almost every day now and some times more. I have dropped 45 lbs of which approximately 30 lbs was fluid, my glucoses are within a tight range and I am full of energy and thankfulness.
On March 1 I began to seek an apartment in my former neighborhood in Cole Valley, where I had lived for almost ten years before my illness this past year. I eventually stopped in on my former landlords clothing shop and let them know. They told me their tenant gave a verbal commitment to stay for 2 years and 1 year had not yet been completed but they would love to have me back if anything changed. The next morning as I was discussing this with a friend the telephone rang. On the line was my former landlord and he said "You are not going to believe this but my wife and I returned home last night in our mail box was our tenants 30 day notice. If you want it the apartment is your at the same rent you paid when you left. I was literally stunned, I couldn't believe it as I loved the neighborhood and my apartment. He also stated "We renovated the apartment, new floors, new rugs, new tiles, new paint." Did I say NEW?
I visited St. Vincent de Paul Wellness Center in our South of Market area. It is a center for people to walk in off the street and participate in various programs. It mostly serves the indigent and the homeless and is an amazing place to see Christ's love in both those who attend and in those who serve. Beginning in May I will be serving there twice a month. I will be offering health education classes one time per month and the second time a month I will be conducting health screenings and listening to questions and making referrals. I was very stirred by this visit and when I observed those serving was taken by their love for those who attended. When I observed those who attended I could not help but to see Christ in their humanity and remember the words and examples of Christ, St. Vincent de Paul and Dorothy Day to name a few. This is.....NEW!
I return to work this Monday, May 3 to the LightHouse for the Blind where I serve as an R.N. Case Manager for a team that was established by the Mayor of San Francisco that also serves those who are struggling and often marginalized. In speaking with my supervisor last week she stated that my job would be changing as of July 1. I would be doing less case management and more direct nursing and nursing consultation with the other case managers. It also means I will not be at the summer camp as much this summer, disappointing in some ways but I embrace it as timing is so essential. We have been able to recruit other nurses over the past couple of years who are loving, caring, beyond competent and fun......a very important ingredient. Again........NEW!
All of you have played a role in this. Old friendships whom I have much history with have deepened and have been reNEWED, and those whom I have recently come to know in the past few years even months have all been encouraging and insightful. I am thankful for all of you and for my family. A deepening trust, an encompassing love and acceptance has been my portion.......NEW!
As I ponder all of these things I am profoundly refreshed in the deepest part of my soul and full of hope for today and the future as I allow a NEW Life to unfold.
Thank you all of you and especially Rich whom I shall never be able to truly express my gratitude.
I have been shepherded from all my wants, from all my needs, from death.......into life!
Blessings and Christ's peace and much love to each of you,
*I invite you to connect to the website below, click the "Shepherd Me O' God" song, close your eyes, take a breath, listen and let go.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Often it is in the stillness that the grace filled movement comes to me. It visits with divine love and speaks the words of truth, the words of hope. I am human, I do fall and if I did not what then would Christ's death mean? What was it for?
This past Sunday in our weekly newsletter one of our staff wrote a beautiful reflection on Peter. How he denied Christ three times and then Christ appears to him and the disciples on the Shores of the Sea of Tiberius. Peter recognized that voice and jumps from the boat to swim to Jesus. Was Peter ashamed of those times he denied Christ and was he weak? I would say yes but that could not surpass that voice of love! The voice that called to him, to his disciples, to me, to you and calls us to share a meal with him. "I am the bread of life" he later states. Peter was asked three times "Do you love me?" and each time he replied "Yes." Each time Christ called Peter to service "Feed my sheep." Tend my lambs." "Feed my sheep." As the writer in our newsletter so wonderfully wrote, "Peter was given a second chance and was also called to service." How often have I been given a second chance? How often have you been?
I am very aware now in fact "awakened" and through this grace filled journey these past few months I would never have guessed the challenges I would have endured during this season of Lent. My challenges were not only physical, they were actually easy in comparison to the spiritual and it is not only my physical body that has been awakened but my spiritual as well. In reality are they not integrated and one of the same? For I shall not only rise in Spirit but in body and not only my Spirit lives but so does my body and soul, mind and heart. I know that my redeemer lives and on the last day I shall see him face to face. For now though he lives in me now and it is here that I have been given a second chance, a new life and it is here that I have been asked to serve.
Journey with me as I and we watch this unfold.
I am full of hope!
Blessings to each of you and may each of you know the joy of his glorious resurrection, your new life and be ever thankful, as am I that he is a God of "Second Chances!"
Grace to you,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Old to New/Darkness to Light
Rich, my donor is doing very well also. He returned to work two weeks after surgery. We speak weekly and it is my hope to visit he, Carolina and Gabriella in the Fall.
I have been blessed in so many ways. I have seen and experienced the power of communal prayer, the love of family and friends and not to take anything for granted. I am learning to take every day as a new one and what does it have to offer. How can I serve? How can I make a difference and how can I "let go" of what was and embrace "what is.?"
In all of this the "Journey of Lent" continues. What timing for me to experience all of this during this season. I have found how deeply I am grateful to God and how deeply fickle I can be. It has been a time of great challenge to my inner man. One that exposes not only the light but with the same light it shines upon my darkness. This has been disconcerting and also causing me to be authentic, real and I even think the word......truth comes to mind regarding myself. How this experience has shown me the mercy and unconditional love of God and yet when I am asked to go deeper I whince. This is the very question that I must ask myself and face this Holy of Weeks. Will I allow the light of the Cross to expose my darkness? Will I surrender and let go? Will I travel the road to Jerusalem as Christ did and take up my cross daily. Jerusalem for me personally means the journey within my soul, the shedding of what was through putting to death those things that have plagued me and waiting in joyful hope for the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ within who will transform my disfugured and dark self into his resurrected and glorious life. . I share with you excerpts from my journal.
Have a blessed and most sacred Holy Week.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19
You ask of me to let go of my possessions, distractions of mind and deed, what I think best and to trust you. To trust that you, by giving me new life want a change, a turning away from that which I have known and to turn to the unknown; You, Christ Jesus who dwells richly within. Turn to the Cross and surrender and in so doing not only dying to myself, my “perfect” plans but to my old way of thinking, doing. You have been so gracious to me, giving me a new life, a new beginning. What is it You ask of me? To be selfless, remember the poor; the poor in spirit, the poor in economics. This is not an easy saying but one that You have asked through the ages and ask again. In it a direction, a path “Take up your cross and follow me.” May I be open to that path, willing, by Your grace to allow You to unfold in me your will, your desire for whatever days you have given me to serve upon this earth.
This means change, a new way of thinking, of being. Only by your grace can I possibly do this. Only by your grace can I hear your voice as you practically speak to me not only in that still, small voice but also through humanity, through the poor, sick and dying. May I have ears to hear by your mercy.
You Have Given To Me
A new life
You have given me
For out of your womb
The womb of your eternal plan
You breathe your Being upon me
You whisper,
No….you proclaim
Behold I do a new thing
Remember not the things of your past
Even now it shall spring forth and this you will know eyes have not seen nor ears have heard that which I will do for you, for you who love me.
So it is
I wait
I wait in expectation
But not only in expectation
In hope
As you labor
Form me.
You prepare to
Release in me
The waters of life
May I
Step into
These waters
Knowing that they
Cleanse me
But also
Give to me
New life
© Liam Flynn, March 8, 2010
A Light That Shines
There is a light that shines in the darkness
A light that at first is faint
And it draws me
I know it is the brightness
That emerges from the depths of this darkness
That comes from entering
Into Your Cross
The illumination
That holds
You cast Your beam
Upon my darkness
But You
Carry it out
With gentleness
And care
Because You know
what I can bear
To much
Slay me
Entering into that darkness
Takes faith
Only that which You can give
As I come into Your radiance
It beckons me
It draws me to itself
Knowing that it is
Your utmost
Compassionate love.
A love that converts me
Unfolds me
That makes known
My true self
The self that You
Have made
In Your image
That you have fashioned
With love
And with
It is here where I
By Your mercy
Find You
In so doing
Am transformed
By Your divine grace
By Your merciful love
© Liam Flynn, March 8, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today's reading in the Henri J.M. Nouwen book "Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen" was simply entitled "Trust." It caused me to think "Where do I place my trust?" In my self? In others? In my Creator? More often than not and sometimes out of mere reflex it is the first two. Why isn't my Creator the first to whom I turn? To whom I trust? The difference is so pronounced because when I place my trust in myself and in humanity they falter. They falter because we are, quite simply put.....human. Who can bare the challenges that surround me, that surround you? How much do I place my trust in humanity that is "expect" from them and in so doing am disappointed? Not because neither they nor I don't try but rather no human can possibly meet my questions, my challenges, my expectations! When I am not honest with myself or with others regarding these challenges and attempt to place my trust there, I become anxious. It is not that others can not come along my side or your side to walk with, assist and be of service because all of us are instruments of the Divine. But rather it is in the Divine that I am truly watered, nourished and enlightened for each challenge of my journey. This is not just for my own self or for yourself but for all of those to whom we come in contact. It is life itself. In this I, we are given life from the Giver of Life to bestow upon one another.
So often I am in conflict, so often I follow the same path but always I find, as if for the first time that my peace not comes from myself or from others but from the Divine.
"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
They shall be like a tree planted by water,
sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes,
and its leaves shall stay green;
in the year of drought it is not anxious,
and it does not cease to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:5-8
So it is in my life. My peace, the peace that is deep and beyond understanding and is abiding comes from this place. May it be so for all of us as we seek and journey through this life. May we find comfort and consolation on the road from one another but may our trust be firmly planted in the Divine, the God of Mercy.
I trust this season of Lent has already begun to do its work in each of you and may you be strengthened and given abundant grace for this Lenten Journey.
Friday, February 19, 2010
This year the focus, I believe I have been asked to look at is "Criticism." Not only what I say but what I think, even in subtle ways and how I behave. I tried my hardest to deny that request but it came back to me time and time again. Hmmmm......I wonder how much my speech will be decreased? What am I asked? To show mercy as I have been shown mercy, not to judge as I am not judged and to pray for conversion and transformation of heart. Not only pray for myself but for others to whom I sub-consciously and sometimes blatantly judge and criticize.
So often, especially in these past few months I have spoken of physical healing but could it be that something even greater and deeper wants to take place? Take place within my heart, within my mind? A healing that encompasses my very soul.
This year as I did two years ago I am reading "Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen." It gently speaks of this conversion and suggests practical ways that we can live out this transformation in our daily lives. I recommend it for those who have not perhaps chosen a book for reflection this Lenten Season.
I will refrain at this time to write about my physical health suffice to say I am improving daily and gaining in strength. This no doubt from your prayers and well wishes.
Blessings to each of you and may this season of Lent bring renewal, restoration and new life.
Hold me Lord
Embrace me
In Your
Tenderly a loving Father
May I collapse completely
Into you breast
And weep
The prayers of repentance
And fall deeply
Into your everlasting love
You are merciful
O heavenly God
Who pardons
My sins
As far as the
East is from the West
Your memory is short
And you have no recollection
Of my sins
When I say
Father, forgive me
Return to me
The delight of my deliverance
And may I proclaim
And rejoice your faithfulness and love
© William Simpson, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
You O' Lord
Have Given to me
New Life
You Breathed
Upon Me
And In that
I am
New Life
I am
I wait
Wait for You
To Reveal
To Unfold
Your Graces to me
So that I
Serve You
Serve Those
Whom You
Have Created
May it be so, Lord
May it be so
As I ponder the last couple of weeks I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I can not even imagine the magnitude of what has been given to me, the instrument in whom was provided this gift and the generosity and deep love from family and friends. I am ever thankful.
This past weekend I was able to spend with Rich and Carolina, what a wonderful time we had. On Saturday evening we went to the Cliffhouse in San Francisco with Tony and Betty and had a picture perfect view as the sunset over the Pacific. What a joy it was for me to have my closest friends spend some time together and hit it off! Rich and Carolina traveled safely back to Boston on Sunday afternoon.
I had my first post surgical visit with my doctor yesterday and all went well. I do not have to return to him for six more weeks. The advice he gave me was again, simply avoid those who are ill and drink more water! I said "I drink 2 litres a day" he replies "DRINK THREE!"
As always I am thankful for each one of you, for your prayers and your love. I request that you continue your prayers for myself and Rich as we recuperate and that I will stave off every infection that wants to invade and that I will not reject the kidney.
Blessings and peace to each of you,
Friday, January 29, 2010
The kidney transplant went remarkably well on Friday, January 22 and I was voiding better known as peeing before I even opened my eyes. The physician's and team were very happy, needless to say what I felt!
I was released from California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco on Tuesday, January 26 and am now at home recuperating. It has been challenging with the multiple side effects of the many new and high dosage medications I am on. These medications are to help my body not to reject the kidney (yet to acquire a name) and to ward off any infections that might try to attack it. I have had a lot of nausea, dizziness, sleeplessness and general weakness but the team tells me this is pretty normal and will take a few weeks to "adjust."
I am ever thankful for all of you. So many have called, written with their well wishes and prayers and I know once again it is what has sustained me. I have grocery shoppers, people who are preparing food, running errands etc. Most of all though expressing their love. I have not been able to return many of the phone calls as of yet but will and today is my first real day of trying to catch all of you up.
I am especially thankful to Rich who has given so selflessly one of his kidneys to me, to his wife Carolina and their daughter Gabriella. I believe it was a family endeavor and gift for all needed to be unitied.
Thankful to Tony Fletcher who I work with and is a very close friend here in San Francisco. Many of you heard his voice when he called you to inform you of how I was and am doing. He handled all of the details and is a great confidant in my decision making process.
I leave you once again with requesting your prayers; that Rich and I would recover smoothly without complications, that I would not reject the kidney nor get an infection especially in what is considered the critical time, the next 90 days.
My prayers and love are with each of you. I will write more in the next few days.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The past two weeks has had an even rhythm, one of routine and stability. My strength has increased and in fact may be even better than even six months ago! I am ever thankful for this as I prepare for the transplant. My red blood cell count is within normal range now and that in itself is no small thing. Rich and Carolina have made their flight and hotel reservations and will be here in San Francisco on Tuesday, January 19th. Rich and I will be admitted to California Pacific Medical Center on Thursday, January 21 and our surgeries will take place the following day at 10:30 a.m. I can hardly believe we are almost there.
So many of you have come to me with offers to assist during this time and while I am recovering, thank you. It means a lot to me as I experience the love of Our Creator expressed through each of you of whose image each and every one of you are formed in. You have assisted me in making this journey. One that has brought me deeper and closer to the Mystery, one that has directed and guided me to that place of stillness, silence and rest.
I would ask that you continue to pray for both Rich and myself that our surgeries and healing would go smoothly, without complications and that our team would proceed with skillfulness and wisdom. For Carolina that Christ's spirit would be with her, bless and keep her as she is supportive to Rich. She too is giving of her time, taking time off of work these next few weeks to be with him in San Francisco.
May God in his mercy fill you with his grace and may you know in the quietness of your souls his amazing, unconditional and accepting love.
Sweet Silence
Envelope me in love
You bring the Peace
That transforms
My Soul
In Nothingness
I am comforted
Without speech
You embrace me
I am serene
In the