Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An Alarming Reflection

This week we read of the Magi who left to follow the star that was above the place that the King of all of Creation laid. Before going they visited Herod, the so-called king of the Jews. As I was reading I was taken back, afraid of what I saw, what I felt. Could I be Herod? How could this be, how could I relate to such a vile character? I saw Herod as he was fearful, wanting to hold onto power, prestige and perhaps even afraid of what was to come, the future. He was deceitful, manipulative and schemed to maintain his authority and power, no matter what it took! Do I have that within me? Do I also have a side that both consciously and subconsciously does these things? How frightening, how utterly and thoroughly repelling!
Then there are the Magi who sought after the Star; the bright light that shown in the darkness that was the sign where Emmanuel, the true King was. The one, who redeemed, released and freed, who brought Salvation to all of humanity. I am thankful, I want to journey with them this week, I want to turn from my darkness, to the marvelous light, fall down on my knees, repent and……..worship Him

Thursday, December 23, 2010



All of Creation
Breaks forth this night
Stars burst forth their radiance
Moon illuminates the sky

For on this night
In the City of David
Is born
A Savior
Christ the Lord

Celestial Choirs sing in jubilation
All heaven and earth are moved
For Divine becomes Incarnate
All, All
Kneel and fall prostrate
In reverence
In awe

Redeemer, Savior
Healer and Counselor

Who ushers us
Out of the darkness and secrets of our hearts
That is as chains that bind
And weights that hold
Frees us from shame
And splits open
The pathways of our hearts
So no longer
Are we afraid
No longer do we carry
The lies
That has
Paralyzed us


Mercy, grace and forgiveness
Truth, light and liberty
Are ours

For unto us this day
In the fortress of our hearts
Is born
A Savior
Christ the Lord

May we with immense jubilation
Be Glad
The Word
Has become

Will Simpson, December 24, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



Dark, Cold, Desolate

On a journey
Through a desert

What were they thinking?
What were they feeling?





On the road


Knocking on this door
That door

No room,
No place



A glimmer
A place to rest
To give birth

Not where they expected
Perhaps not even what they wanted
But still
They were ready

They were pregnant
Due to deliver
To give birth

Is it not the same for us?
Often a solitary journey
One with pain, with sorrow
Rejection as we knock on the doors
To be let in

To have a place of comfort
Perhaps with one another
And sometimes

It comes
we least expect it

Or in a place we would not choose by ourselves
But we have been searching on this journey
This road of life

Sometimes seemingly without hope
In a wasteland
We search for that place
To give birth

For we are pregnant

Expecting with desire

For the Truth

The Answer

Hope never-ending

To live


Are we willing to go
To that place?
To that place we often fear
That place of being alone
Not with a crowd
Not in comfort
But by and with ourselves
And here in this quiet place
Allow the angels themselves
Come to us and say
“Glory to God in the Highest
and peace to all people on earth”
and then
Out of the center of our being

New Born King!

Will Simpson, December 20, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010


What was it like for a young girl to be invited to carry within the Divine in human form?

How can this be she exclaimed
I a virgin

“You shall conceive not by a man but by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the Most High God”

His name shall be Emmanuel, God with us
Counselor, Prince of Peace
The Salvation of all of humanity

Perplexed, puzzled, pondering

And then

A deep inner sigh

Profound humility


Let it be done unto me according to your Spirit

And so it happened

Days, weeks, months

Churnings, kicking,

Expecting, waiting, hope
Getting to know
Deeply within who dwells

A transformation from within
And from without

Soon a birth
A new life

What do you say?
What do I say?
I am asked the same?

Asked to recognize
The Divine within
The Christ

Is it also not puzzling?
Is it not something to ponder?

Are we too not like that young girl
Who conceived by the Spirit?
And to bear within us
His son
The Savior of the World
The Prince of Peace
That we too
May know
And in so doing
As Christ became Human
We experience
The Divine

We too are puzzled, perplexed

And for us also
Profound humility
Must take place for us
To respond
As that young girl


Yes, let it be done unto me according to your spirit

Let it be so

We wait for you
We expect you
In this Advent Season

Come Lord Jesus
Blossom within
Our hearts

Will Simpson, December


What was it like for a young girl to be invited to carry within the Divine in human form?

How can this be she exclaimed
I an a virgin

“You shall conceive not by a man but by the Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the Most High God”

His name shall be Emmanuel, God with us
Counselor, Prince of Peace
The Salvation of all of humanity

Perplexed, puzzled, pondering

And then

A deep inner sigh

Profound humility


Let it be done unto me according to your Spirit

And so it happened

Days, weeks, months

Churnings, kicking’s,

Expecting, waiting, hope
Getting to know
Deeply within who dwells

A transformation from within
And from without

Soon a birth
A new life

What do you say?
What do I say?
I am asked the same?

Asked to recognize
The Divine within
The Christ

Is it too not also puzzling?
Is it not something to ponder?

And are we too not like that young girl
Who conceived by the Spirit?
And to bear within us
His son
The Savior of the World
The Prince of Peace
That we too
May know Salvation
Freedom, liberty
And in so doing
As Christ became Human
We experience
The Divine

We too are puzzled, perplexed

And for us also
Profound humility
Must take place for us
To respond
As that young girl

Yes, let it be done unto me according to your spirit

Let it be so
We wait for you
We expect you
In this Advent Season

Come Lord Jesus
Come to birth within
Our hearts

Will Simpson, December 18, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Make Ready

Make ready for use
For an immense event

Where my heart has become distant
Let it be drawn
Where it has placed barriers
May they be cleared

And where I have placed
High obstacles
May they be lowered,
Straight, smooth


I may enter into
That rest that I long for
To bring Your healing
Your light

Where I
All of humanity
May know
Your deliverance

Your salvation
From my
Own self
My own fears
My own insecurities

And in it know
Without doubt
Your glorious light
That directs
To Your
Within me

Will Simpson, December 7, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Prepare within me a pathway O’Lord
May I let go of all that hinders
And blocks me from You

You desire to come in
And liberate me with your love
And I have put up so many barriers

Slowly by grace
I hear your invitation
The voice of your spirit
Saying Prepare, Prepare a way
And I so desire this
But yet
I am afraid

What is it you will ask of me?
What is it I must let go of?

One stone, one unforgiveness
One turning away
One jealous thought
One at a time

But then you glance at me
And I am struck by your luminous love
That pierces between my very soul and spirit
And I
Prepare my true self
Open wide my heart

To receive
The New Born King

Come O’Majestic One
Come into this open heart
That I have prepared
For You

Will Simpson, December 5, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"At Your Advent"

At Your Advent


My transformation

A change of heart

From darkness to light

Bitterness to forgiveness

Enslavement to freedom

There is a deep stirring

An awakening

That calls me forth

That beckons me from death to life

I am in awe

In trembling


The very essence of You

Touches me


Emerges from the depths

Of my being

Where you dwell

Come o’ mysterious One

O’ glorious One

Come whom I have been expecting

But yet

You come

And I am surprised

For You come now

At this

Present moment


Will Simpson

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In Darkness, You Come

In the darkness of the morning

Is stillness

Night stars

Waiting for the dawn

The moon

Calling forth the brilliance of the sun

Come O radiant One

Come and awake the dawn

The dew of the grass

The frost of the night


At your warmth

All of creation

Gently comes alive

Singing forth

The praises of the new day

So it is

We wait for You

We anticipate

With hope and longing

Your arrival

We beckon you

In response

You declare

“Arise, shine for your light has come”

and You

Your glory

Shines upon us!”

Will Simpson, December 1, 2010