Sunday, December 6, 2009


It is with a grateful heart that I write this entry/update. I was released from the hospital this past Friday evening after 3 weeks. I fondly refer to it as being released from cell block 158-B. My last week was spent mostly regaining strength via physical therapy and beginning the regimen of dialysis. I knew I was getting better the last week when I was incredibly bored and went into whinning mode.....always a sign I am on the mend!

I am grateful to Fr. Ray and Fr. Don and the St. Agnes Community for their love, support, visits and prayers.

I am grateful for the excellent care I received while at CPMC.

I am grateful for the transplant team and my donor Rich and his wife Carolina who have taken the "bull by the horns" and have been very proactive in getting this transplant going and for their generous and loving hearts.

I am grateful for all of the notes I have received via e mail and FB from so many of you. Your love, support and encouragement and the telephone calls. What a wonderful group of family and friends I am blessed with!

I am grateful that the transplant date has been set, Friday, January 22.

I will not return to work until after my transplant. My hope is to use the time for rest but also just a time of reflection, writing and prayer. As all of you know I am an activist but am learning to let life unfold.....daily.

Blessings, peace and great joy to each of you during this Advent Season!

Much love,


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