What Do You Choose To Do This Day?
I Choose to See!
Even during this season of Lent it is difficult for me to slow down. All sorts of things are vying for my attention. In my day to day life it is the people I serve; the poor, the marginalized, the disenfranchised. I am pressed in many directions and it is especially here that I, if I choose can practically experience the Gospel. This sounds so wonderful at first but then the practical every day STUFF happens. I think I am equipped to meet their needs, have excellent resources, programs for each to participate in and have "a better life." This all sounds good and it is but in reality it does not speak to the heart. It meets the requirements of food and shelter but there is more. Where does it speak to the soul, the true desire, to be known, to be heard, to be loved, to have a name that is spoken with acceptance and respect?
Lent is a season of transformation from darkness to light, winter into spring and I can not help to see, by grace my own darkness by the light that is shown on my heart. It is shown when I expect. When i expect these "things" to meet the desired outcome. Whose desire? What desire? Could it be that there is a deeper more profound desire? A desire for hunger and thirst for righteousness sake?
On Ash Wednesday when the ashes were placed on my forehead it was said "Repent and turn to the Gospel."
Could it be the Gospel is turning to me? The true desire is seeking me?
The Gospel invites me daily in my day to day life but often I am blind.
Have mercy on me, a sinner and may I be given the eyes of the heart to see.
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