Sunday, November 29, 2009


"and be thankful in all things....."

On November 15 I woke up very early with upper abdominal pain, vomiting profusely and wound up coming to CPMC emergency. There I was admitted and 3 days later had my gallbladder removed. Simple enough but post surgery my kidney's, which were already compromised shut down. Furthermore I was still with high fever, still vomiting and had become confused. They let me know I was also diagnosed with H1N1, moved me to the step down kidney ICU and placed me in isolation. There I was the model patient, trying to get out of bed, questioning every act they were doing, setting off every alarm and paranoid as all get out after they gave me ativan which had the total opposite effect on me as it does on others. Others it calms, me......well, how shall we phrase it.....made me paranoid, confused and agitated! Some would like to use the phrase "Crazy" but I know they don't mean it!

Through this period many decisions had to be made; I started dialysis, speeding up my transplant and trying to get all of that into place and this Monday being transferred to rehabilitation for a few days. In the midst of all of this I lost my ability to ambulate, had zero strength. Since dialysis I am regaining this and it is almost is! The hope of a January transplant is what all are working toward.

I spent Thanksgiving here, seemingly away from friends but not really; Steve, Leslie et al, called and checked in on me ( I have spent the past couple of decades in Wa. state with they and others at Thanksgiving). Jude and Sandy who brought me dinner, so many loving phone calls from so many. I am THANKFUL. Thankful for all of you, thankful I have a support team, I have a donor, we are moving ahead. Thankful to God who has granted to me all things to come to know his compassionate love in very reals ways through each of you. You are our Creators hands, mouths, eyes, ears. In you, I see the face of God.

I continues to solicit your prayers and know, without a doubt they are what strengthen and encourage me.


Blessings and much love to each of you,



  1. ADDENDUM: It is hoped I will be discharged to home by the middle of this week.

  2. Bill -

    how grateful I am also, that you are only temporarily crazy. LOL. You know you're in my thoughts and prayers and all good things are coming my way, my dear friend.

    Keep up the good patient work. Always good lessons for those nurses to learn. Patience. Good will. Unconditional love... blah, blah, blah.

    love you so and look forward to hearing more from you. Amazing strength and energy for you in every day....

    Nurse Kathy :-)

  3. Wow, Bill, God really does want you to slow down, doesn't He? Sending you prayers for your speedy recovery! Much love,
    Myra & Brent
