Saturday, February 27, 2010


The Journey of Lent

Today's reading in the Henri J.M. Nouwen book "Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen" was simply entitled "Trust." It caused me to think "Where do I place my trust?" In my self? In others? In my Creator? More often than not and sometimes out of mere reflex it is the first two. Why isn't my Creator the first to whom I turn? To whom I trust? The difference is so pronounced because when I place my trust in myself and in humanity they falter. They falter because we are, quite simply put.....human. Who can bare the challenges that surround me, that surround you? How much do I place my trust in humanity that is "expect" from them and in so doing am disappointed? Not because neither they nor I don't try but rather no human can possibly meet my questions, my challenges, my expectations! When I am not honest with myself or with others regarding these challenges and attempt to place my trust there, I become anxious. It is not that others can not come along my side or your side to walk with, assist and be of service because all of us are instruments of the Divine. But rather it is in the Divine that I am truly watered, nourished and enlightened for each challenge of my journey. This is not just for my own self or for yourself but for all of those to whom we come in contact. It is life itself. In this I, we are given life from the Giver of Life to bestow upon one another.

So often I am in conflict, so often I follow the same path but always I find, as if for the first time that my peace not comes from myself or from others but from the Divine.

"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
They shall be like a tree planted by water,
sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes,
and its leaves shall stay green;
in the year of drought it is not anxious,
and it does not cease to bear fruit."

Jeremiah 17:5-8

So it is in my life. My peace, the peace that is deep and beyond understanding and is abiding comes from this place. May it be so for all of us as we seek and journey through this life. May we find comfort and consolation on the road from one another but may our trust be firmly planted in the Divine, the God of Mercy.

I trust this season of Lent has already begun to do its work in each of you and may you be strengthened and given abundant grace for this Lenten Journey.


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